Empowered Living
A long-term coaching program that blends mindfulness, embodiment, and movement. Together we’ll work on processing emotions without getting lost in their stories, build self-awareness, transform limiting beliefs into new strengths, and gain crystal-clear clarity on your desires. My role is to support you every step of the way—not just in reaching your goals, but in creating a more joyful life, build emotional resilience, and become your best self. The truth is, everything you need is already within you. I’m here to help you uncover it!
This is for you if…
You’re ready to embark on a journey to uncover your most radiant, authentic self.
You’re tired of talking about your struggles and are ready to feel the shift in your body.
Ignoring your emotions has left you feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or “emotionally constipated”.
You feel stuck, disconnected from your body and even purpose.
You’re growth- oriented, open to self discovery, and committed to showing up fully.
You crave a safe space to feel your emotions without judgement.
You’re drawn to creative, expressive outlets like dance, journaling, or art as part of your healing journey.
You long for deeper connection to your body, intuition, and the wisdom within you.
You are ready to step into your power with clarity and confidence.
You’re ready to create lasting emotional resilience, joy, and alignment in all areas of your life.
What to expect
During our session, we'll begin by settling into a comfortable seat for a brief grounding meditation. Together, we'll explore what's present in the moment—whether it's an emotion, sensation, or thought—using the triple E method to release what's ready to be let go and alchemize. I'll guide you in identifying the emotion, how it presents itself in the body, and allowing its authentic expression to come through in a safe space. This release can take various forms, from creative expression to laughter, tears, tantrum, or even dancing. Each session concludes with embodying the newfound feelings of joy, liberation, lightness, or peace that we've cultivated together.
Therapy provides a reflective environment to delve into past experiences, childhood dynamics, and the underlying reasons behind behaviors and narratives. In contrast, embodiment coaching emphasizes fully embracing the present moment through the body’s full expression, bypassing the mental chatter to foster pure acceptance, processing, and release. Unlike traditional talk therapy, Empowered Living Coaching seeks to address the root cause of issues and creates a cellular shift within the physical body. It's not about fixing or advising, but rather about bearing witness and creating space for emotions to organically move through. Both therapy and coaching offer distinct benefits, making neither superior to the other, just different in approach.
While a single session can create positive shifts, it often only scratches the surface. Over time, old habits can creep back. Committing to a program offers deeper, lasting transformation. True change takes time and consistency, and a structured program provides the support you need every step of the way.
No, you don’t have to share anything you’re not comfortable with. Our focus is less on the details of what happened or why and more on what didn’t happen. We tune into the feeling and how it’s held in the body. Getting lost in the storyline and trying the make sense of it keeps us in the mind— true healing happens in the body.
1. Emote. Identifying what emotion, feeling or sensation is present and taking a moment to notice how and where you feel it.
2. Embody. Letting it move you and releasing it through your body.
3. Express. Sounding out its vibration. What message does the emotion have for you in order to release it from the body? That can involve but not limited to vocal toning, yelling, speech, crying, movement, drawing.
Card or cash - preferably card.
What People Are Saying
Meet your coach, Dana
Coaching entered Dana’s life during a challenging period, fresh out of a toxic relationship and navigating the uncharted waters of a new chapter. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, she was determined to heal at her own pace in a new way. Instead of giving in to familiar patterns of avoidance or numbing, Dana craved the courage to confront and embrace every feeling. This journey with coaching has been transformative, strengthening her self-awareness, fostering a deeper connection to her body and intuition, and breaking down limiting beliefs that once held her captive. It revolutionized Dana’s approach to managing intense emotions, steering her away from old, unhealthy coping mechanisms toward a practice of sitting with and nurturing herself through the waves. She was astounded to discover that healing isn't always about dissecting and understanding the stories of what happened; sometimes, it's more about what didn’t happen and offering ourselves the compassion we truly needed in the moment.
Not sure what’s best for you or where to start?
I would love to chat and help discover the best healing modality for you!